E-PORTFOLIO usrah 2 SEM 2 2023/2024
NAME :MAIMUNAH BINTI DAUD KULLIYYAH OF EDUCATION :TASL STATE: KELANTAN CONTACT: maimunahdaud00@gmail.com INSTAGRAM: maimunah.15 MY OLD SCHOOL:MAAHAD MUHAMMADI RANTAU PANJANG . Assalamualikum &hi everyone, i am maimunah binti daud .So , today i want to share with you my experience on usrah budi 1&2 for semester 2 2023/2024 .First of all. Thank to god, i have done my surah budi 2 for this semester and thank you too miss aida who conducter the usrah budi 2. From the usrah I have learned how to became a good human being from this usrah who was reached by miss aida on every Saturday weekend for this semester and also for last semester which usrah 1with miss husna . For the both usrah i have been join was meant fully of knowledge and experience,understanding to prepare ours self with good attitude and knowledge that can be closed to Allah swt . Here my assignment for usrah 1 with miss husna ,i and my gr...